Project Update

September 29, 2023
What’s Happening in Traffic This Week
Bow Trail interchange and Stoney Trail partially open on October 1
This weekend, Stoney Trail will open to traffic between Bow Trail and the Trans-Canada Highway, as will the Bow Trail extension to 101 Street S.W. and connections to and from Stoney Trail to the north.
Traffic will be shifted to the new road in phases. Please drive cautiously in the project area and watch for signage and flag persons directing traffic.

Expect delays on Stoney Trail
Stoney Trail is currently two lanes in each direction over the Bow River while the northbound bridge is rehabilitated. When the new section opens north of Bow Trail, both directions will be reduced to a single lane at the Trans-Canada Highway to accommodate the new lanes.
Major delays in the peak periods are anticipated. Please consider using alternate northbound and southbound routes.

Old Banff Coach Road interchange ramps open to traffic on October 1
The half interchange at Old Banff Coach Road provides access to and from the north. When the ramps open this Sunday, drivers will be able to go north on Stoney Trail from Old Banff Coach Road and to Old Banff Coach Road from southbound Stoney Trail.
For more information about the half interchanges at Old Banff Coach Road and 17 Avenue S.W. please visit > south project.

Westbound Highway 8 traffic shift to new flyover
The new westbound Highway 8 flyover is expected to open to traffic in October. To pave the tie in from the flyover to the existing lanes, Highway 8 will be reduced to a single lane of alternating traffic for two nights. The lane closures will be shared on electronic information boards once the timing is confirmed.

All work is weather dependent. Please check 511 Alberta and The City of Calgary’s traffic information map and pathways & bikeways map for information about detours and closures. For all other project information, please visit
We appreciate your patience during construction.

Bow Trail Interchange Landscaping
With interchange construction largely complete, work to restore the disturbed areas with topsoil and climate-appropriate vegetation is underway. The type and location of vegetation planted in the Transportation Utility Corridor (TUC) is primarily based on safety and maintenance considerations. For example, plant species that discourage wildlife activity are used to minimize the risk of collisions between animals and vehicles.
Across the province, Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors manages 31,400 kilometres of highways and nearly 4,600 bridges, overpasses and culverts. Long-term maintenance costs must be considered and managed across the network to ensure resources are maximized for the benefit of all Albertans.

Stoney Trail Roadwork Near 17 Avenue S.W.
Paving has begun on northbound Stoney Trail around 17 Avenue S.W.