Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors’ noise guidelines outline the conditions for noise attenuation in cities and urban areas. Noise attenuation will be considered if noise levels exceed a 24-hour weighted average of 65 decibels. These noise levels are determined by noise studies that consider roadway design, topography and anticipated traffic volumes to model, or predict, future levels. The future noise levels are used to determine if noise attenuation is warranted based on the provincial noise guidelines. Noise attenuation will not be installed for aesthetic/visual screening purposes.
North project
Two noise studies have been completed by a specialized acoustical engineering consultant for the North Project area which determined that noise attenuation was warranted in some areas. These noise studies were completed at both the functional and detailed design stages.
A final noise analysis will be conducted after project completion to assess impacts associated with actual traffic volumes. Additional noise attenuation features will be installed at that time should the noise analysis indicate that it is warranted under the provincial noise guidelines.
South project
Noise analysis completed as part of the delivery for the South project has determined that no additional noise attenuation measures are warranted at this time.
However, following completion of the project, once traffic patterns have normalized a confirmatory noise analysis will be conducted to assess impacts associated with actual traffic volumes. Noise attenuation features will be installed at that time should the noise analysis indicate that it is warranted under the provincial noise guidelines.