Project Update

April 17, 2023
Spring Construction
Please expect increased construction activity across the entire project site (Bow River bridge, North and South projects). Lane closures, traffic pattern shifts, construction crossings and increased noise and dust are necessary components of the work.
We will continue to minimize impacts for adjacent residents, businesses and drivers, however; dust, noise, occasional overnight work and delays should be expected. Please visit > construction for information about work hours and how we’re mitigating construction impacts.

All work is weather dependent. Please check 511 Alberta and The City of Calgary’s traffic information map for up-to-date information on traffic detours and speed reductions. For all other project information, please visit
We appreciate your patience during construction.

Pier Protection
The southbound Stoney Trail bridge over the Trans-Canada Highway is the largest being constructed as part of the North project. Four centre piers in the median of the Trans-Canada Highway support 18 girders, spanning a total distance of 96 metres.

The primary purpose of any barrier system is to reduce collision severity for vehicle occupants. In this case, the barrier system around the bridge piers is also providing protection for the piers themselves. Since the Trans-Canada Highway is an economic corridor for goods movement with large, heavy vehicles travelling at higher speeds, the barrier system has been designed to support the structural integrity of the bridge in case of a significant impact.

‘Standing’ Streetlights
The recent inside lane closures on the Trans-Canada Highway have been required for ongoing streetlight installation in the median. The process of lifting and securing streetlights is sometimes called ‘standing’.

Starting Spring Off with a Deck Pour
The 2023 construction season is off to a good start with the second-to-last bridge deck poured on the South project.

Curing concrete is a chemical reaction that requires a consistent temperature to achieve the desired strength. To provide this environment, the bridge deck is protected with tarp (called hoarding) once the pour is complete. The temperature inside the hoarding is measured and maintained within the desired range for proper concrete curing.

Highway 8 Flyover Girder Installation Continues
Steel girder installations on the Highway 8 flyover structure are ongoing.