Project Update

November 15, 2022
What’s Happening in Traffic This Week
Slopeview Drive S.W. Access
In the coming weeks, traffic will be shifted to the permanent Slopeview Drive S.W. access off of the roundabout. Once the permanent access is open, the temporary access will close.

All work is weather dependant. Please check 511 Alberta and The City of Calgary’s traffic information map for up-to-date information on traffic detours and speed reductions. For all other project information, please visit
We appreciate your patience during construction.

Paving the Trans-Canada Highway / Stoney Trail Interchange
Considerable progress has been made over the last few weeks on the Stoney Trail interchange.

Grouting the Anchor Bolts
Anchor bolts are used on overhead signs to connect the steel arm to the concrete base. The bolts transfer the load from the sign structure to the concrete base.

To stabilize the bolts and keep water out, the gap between the concrete base and the steel sign structure is grouted.

Pathway Underpass
The retaining walls for the Bow Trail S.W. pathway underpass have reached their full height. Work on the road structure above is underway.

Alberta Transportation is Now Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors
Economic corridors are transportation routes that provide vital links to markets in and out of Alberta, supporting Alberta’s economy and way of life. This name change reflects the importance of these routes within the provincial transportation network.
Honourable Devin Dreeshen was sworn in as Minister of Transportation and Economic Corridors on October 24, 2022. Minister Dreeshen is MLA for Innisfail-Sylvan Lake, and previously served as Minister of Agriculture and Forestry.