Project Update

August 5, 2022
What’s Happening in Traffic This Week
Overnight Top Lift Paving on Trans-Canada Highway and Valley Ridge Boulevard N.W.
From 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. each night, starting Monday, August 8 and lasting approximately 10 days, crews will be top lift paving on Valley Ridge Boulevard N.W. and on Trans-Canada Highway east and west of Stoney Trail. Intermittent lane closures will be required in all directions on both roads. Delays are expected.

Temporary Ramp Closure: Valley Ridge Boulevard to Westbound Trans-Canada Highway
Beginning in early August 2022 and lasting approximately one month, the ramp from Valley Ridge Boulevard to westbound Trans-Canada Highway will close to accommodate construction on the permanent ramp.

During this time, access to westbound Trans-Canada Highway will be detoured to the Bowfort Road / Trans-Canada Highway interchange.
Emergency services have been notified.

UPCOMING: Minor Highway 8 Traffic Shift
This month, Highway 8 traffic between 101 Street S.W. and 69 Street S.W. will be shifted to the new westbound lanes using the paved median crossover (crossovers are used to detour traffic from one carriageway to another).

All work is weather dependant. Please check 511 Alberta and The City of Calgary’s traffic information map for up-to-date information on traffic detours and speed reductions. For all other project information, please visit
We appreciate your patience during construction.

Kilometres of New Pavement
Last weekend, traffic was shifted onto its final alignment on the new Trans-Canada Highway bridge over Valley Ridge Boulevard.

FUN FACT: Longitudinal Pavement Joints, Wheel Paths and Rutting
The lane lines are marked on each lift of asphalt during paving so that longitudinal paving joints – the seam between hot (or fresh) and cold (previously paved) asphalt – can be appropriately aligned. Paving joints are naturally weaker and more prone to rutting. To increase pavement longevity, paving joints are aligned with lane lines to avoid wheel paths and minimize loads from the weight of vehicles.

Peak Construction at Highway 8
This year, more than any other on the South project, will be the most significant for construction. Almost every type of transportation infrastructure is under construction at Highway 8 – utilities, stormwater, bridge structures and roads. Approximately 275 people are on site on the South project every day, and about an additional 50 people work on the project off-site.