Project Update – November 22, 2021

What’s Happening in Traffic This Week

Valley Ridge Boulevard N.W. Shifted to Final Alignment

This weekend traffic was shifted to the new Valley Ridge Boulevard N.W. lanes, marking a major milestone for the project. All other movements remain the same.

All work is weather dependent. Please check 511 Alberta and The City of Calgary’s traffic information map  for up-to-date information on traffic detours and speed reductions. For all other project information, please visit

We appreciate your patience during construction.

Bow River Bridge title banner

Pier Segment Construction Moves to South Side

Pier segment construction on the north side of the river is wrapping up and shifting to the south.

North Project title banner

Paving in November

The weather this fall has allowed paving to continue that typically would be prevented by snow on the ground and colder temperatures. Crews are capitalizing on every nice day.

Canada Olympic Drive S.W.

WinSport users will be happy to know work on Canada Olympic Drive S.W. is wrapping up. Trees have been replanted and the slope has been hydroseeded in the disturbed area adjacent to the facility.

South project title banner

Highway 8

The temporary shoring wall is constructed from the top down. As earth is excavated, more panels are added to the shoring wall.