Project Update – May 3, 2021

What’s Happening in Traffic This Week

Paving East of Emergency Access to Valley Ridge

This week the contractor will be completing the emergency access road connection to southbound Stoney Trail. The work will take approximately one week, during which time the access to the North project site offices will be via Valley Springs Road N.W.

One lane on the emergency access road will be maintained at all times; emergency access will not be affected. 

All work is weather dependent. Please check 511 Albertaand The City of Calgary’s traffic information map  for up-to-date information on traffic detours and speed reductions. For all other project information, please visit

We appreciate your patience during construction.

Bow River Bridge title banner

Casting Bridge Segments in Place

On the north side of the river, casting the segments in place is ongoing. 

South Piers

Each of the piers on the south side of the river is compromised of five lifts (or pours) of concrete, and each lift requires 28 days to cure.

North Project title banner

Valley Ridge Boulevard N.W. Interchange

Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) wall construction has begun on these integral bridge abutments. Integral bridges use Caisson foundations to absorb the expansion and contraction caused by temperature changes, rather than bridge expansion joints and bearings which are costly to install and maintain. 

Valley Ridge Boulevard N.W. Interchange

Roadwork on the southbound Valley Ridge Boulevard N.W. lanes at Valley Ridge Drive N.W. is ongoing. Once this section is tied in, traffic will shift to the outside lanes in both directions so finishing work in the median can be completed.

Trans-Canada highway at Valley Ridge Boulevard N.W.

Earthworks and grading continue in the area immediately west of Valley Ridge Boulevard N.W. The elevation of the Trans-Canada Highway in this area is being raised.

South project title banner

Earthworks and Drainage for Bow Trail S.W.

This week construction on Bow Trail S.W., west of 85 Street S.W., gets underway. Topsoil stripping and excavation are the first activities in preparation to install a drainage culvert and begin constructing the pathway underpass.

Work in this area will be ongoing for the 2021 construction season and this section of Bow Trail S.W. will remain closed until project completion.

Adjacent residents will see a significant increase in construction activity within the Transportation Utility Corridor (TUC), including construction equipment working close to homes along the southern TUC boundary. Increased noise, dust and changes to the visual landscape can also be expected. Please visit > construction for information about work hours and mitigating construction impacts.

Bow Trail S.W. Interchange Construction

Similar to Old Banff Coach Road S.W., the centre pier foundation for the Bow Trail S.W. interchange will also be provided by a spread footing (a wide and shallow structural base to support the centre piers). 

Springbank Ravine Drainage Culvert

The high-density polyethylene (HDPE) culvert pipe segments are fused together by applying heat and force. The fusion machine clamps two segments of pipe, aligns them and then holds them together after the ends have been heated until a fusion joint is created. The pipe is pulled ‘down the pipeline’ and another segment is fused onto the end. 

Earthworks at 17 Avenue S.W.