Semi-permanent Stockpile West of Aspen Woods
Earthworks for the Bow Trail S.W. interchange continue this spring. Beginning the week of March 29, 2021, more topsoil will be stockpiled within the Transportation Utility Corridor (TUC) along the northwestern boundary of Aspen Woods. This work will continue as weather conditions permit and until excavation is complete.
Over the course of the project, numerous semi-permanent stockpiles will be created within the TUC. There is no limit to the height or length of the stockpiles, provided they meet slope stability requirements.
During topsoil removal and stockpiling, adjacent residents will see construction equipment working close to homes by the edge of the TUC. While at times disruptive, this work is of relatively short duration and confined to the TUC.
The 2021 construction season will be very busy across all areas of the project. Adjacent residents will see a significant increase in construction activity within the TUC. Please visit for information about work hours and mitigating construction impacts.