Project Update – June 1, 2020
Roundabout Refresher
Modern roundabouts are becoming more common on Alberta roads because they are safer (up to a 90 per cent reduction in fatalities) and move traffic more efficiently than traditional intersections. With interchange construction underway on Valley Ridge Boulevard NW, and several other roundabouts planned as part of the project, a refresher on how to use them may be helpful.
Choose the correct lane before entering the roundabout. You can’t change lanes within the roundabout.
Traffic in the roundabout has the right-of-way. Just like yielding in any other circumstance, the vehicles already in the lane have the right-of-way. Wait for a gap in traffic before entering the roundabout.
Signal for a right turn before you exit the roundabout. Just like making a right turn at a corner, signal before you exit to let other drivers know your intention.
Vehicles B and C must yield to vehicle A Vehicle E must yield to vehicle D, but vehicles F and D can proceed together
To watch a short video on roundabouts, visit The US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration also has several resources.
Please Keep Out of the Construction Area
Some members of the public continue to access the Transportation Utility Corridor (TUC) near Valley Ridge. The TUC is private property, owned by the Government of Alberta, and this area is an active construction site under the management of EllisDon.
Anyone who accesses the site without permission is putting themselves at risk as well as the safety of construction workers. EllisDon will continue to work with the Calgary Police Service to maintain a safe and secure construction site.
If you have questions or see activity that concerns you relating to this matter, please contact Community Resource Officer Constable David Down at or 403.428.6200.
We appreciate your cooperation.

Girders Installed on Scenic Acres Link NW Exit Ramp Bridge
Last week the girders were successfully installed on the new bridge for the Scenic Acres Link NW exit. Thanks for your understanding and patience during the overnight closures.
New Bow River Pathway Alignment Open
The new pathway is open today. This new alignment replaces a section of pathway that is within the footprint of the new bridge. There have been several pathway closures this spring and we appreciate your patience.

Trans-Canada Highway / Valley Ridge Blvd NW Interchange
Retaining Wall Adjacent to Valley Ridge Heights
Last week we shared some photos of ground preparation for the retaining wall in the northwest corner of the interchange. This week the dirt has been placed and compacted, formwork and rebar installed, and concrete poured for the footing.
Valley Ridge Boulevard NW Detour
Last week traffic was shifted to the first detour stage for interchange construction. This detour is expected to be in place until early August 2020. Please drive cautiously through this area.
Trans-Canada Highway Improvements & Detour Construction
About five kilometres of the Trans-Canada Highway (Highway 1) will be reconstructed as part of this project. The road will be widened to four lanes in each direction to reduce congestion west of Valley Ridge Boulevard NW, and the steep grade will be flattened to improve sightlines and winter driving conditions.
Utility relocations and topsoil stripping have been ongoing for several weeks, and this week detour construction is anticipated to begin. The majority of the detour is south of the existing highway and west of Crestmont. All work will be contained within the Transportation Utility Corridor.