Project Update – February 10, 2020

Bow River Pathway Temporary Closure
The pathway on the south side of the Bow River connecting Valley Ridge and Bowness Park is fully closed for tree and brush clearing until later this month. There is no pathway detour available during this time, nor is there access to the Bow River pedestrian bridge to or from the west.
Please check > Bow River Bridge for details. The City of Calgary also maintains a Pathway Closures map.
Construction Progress Update
Work on the south side of the Bow River is progressing as planned during the temporary pathway closure.
Grading for the new pathway was completed, including culvert installation to manage storm water Tree and brush clearing in preparation for the new pathway, bridge foundation and bridge abutment Hoarding prevents the ground from freezing and allows it to be heated in preparation for piling for the new timber staircase

Controlled Blasting
As this work continues, controlled blasting has been happening closer to residents. People living and working close to the controlled blasting can expect to feel vibrations and we understand this may cause concern. Please take a few minutes to read the information available online, including the seismograph reports which are published each week. There will also be a public information session to provide an update on blasting activity and progress on Wednesday, February 12, 5 – 7 pm at WinSport’s Markin McPhail Centre (151 Canada Olympic Rd SW).
Construction Progress Update
Work on the 20 bridge structures within this project is ongoing and is focused primarily on piling and concrete work for the piers and abutments. EllisDon and its subcontractors have worked more than 40,000 hours since construction started last spring. This is equivalent to almost 14 years of work based on an eight-hour workday.

Utility Relocations at Old Banff Coach Rd SW
Utility relocations on Old Banff Coach Road SW, west of 85 Street SW, have been ongoing since August 2019. This work involves open excavations. As this work continues, drivers can expect reduced speeds through the area.
Thank you for your patience while this area is prepared for the start of ring road construction this spring. Drivers are reminded to use extra caution when navigating through active construction sites, reduce distractions and obey all speed and construction signage.
For up-to-date information on traffic detours and speed reductions as a result of construction activity please visit 511 Alberta.