Project Update – February 3, 2020

Bow River Pathway Temporary Closure
The pathway on the south side of the Bow River connecting Valley Ridge and Bowness Park is fully closed for tree and brush clearing until mid-February. There is no pathway detour available during this time, nor is there access to the Bow River pedestrian bridge to or from the west.
Please check > Bow River Bridge for details. The City of Calgary also maintains a Pathway Closures map.

Controlled Blasting
Controlled blasting resumed on the Paskapoo Slopes on January 22 and the seismograph reports are now online. Another public information session will be held from 5 – 7 pm on Wednesday, February 12 at WinSport’s Markin McPhail Centre (151 Canada Olympic Rd SW).
Updated Plan
The north project plan on > North Project has been updated to show storm pond locations.
Construction Progress Update
The two interchanges on the north project – at Valley Ridge Blvd NW and Stoney Trail – require a total of 20 bridges. Piling for the bridge foundations is about 35 per cent complete, with about 350 steel piles now in place. Each pile is placed about 30m (100ft) into the ground to create the strength to support the bridge.
Once the bridge foundations are complete, the next step is to form the bridge abutments (the ‘book ends’ on either side of a bridge). Six concrete bridge abutments have been poured using close to 600 cubic metres of concrete (equivalent to filling about 350 bathtubs).
Concrete girder fabrication has also started at a facility in Edmonton. The girders are the beams (sometimes called I-beams) that form the structure of the bridge deck. They will be transported from Edmonton for installation starting this spring.

Tree & Brush Removal Information Session
We held a public information session Wednesday, January 29 to give residents an opportunity to speak with the project team about why we’re clearing trees and brush in the south project area, and to learn more about when and how the cleared areas will be restored. Approximately 40 people attended from the communities of Aspen Woods, Springbank and Elbow Valley.
The information from the session is now available online.
ENMAX Transmission Line Relocation Projects: Highway 8 & 101 Street
ENMAX Power Corporation (ENMAX) has filed two facility applications with the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) to relocate transmission lines along Highway 8 and the 101 Street. For more information about the proposed routes and the status of the AUC applications, please visit ENMAX’s project web page.