Project Update – January 27, 2020

Bow River Bridge Temporary Closure
Starting January 27 and lasting approximately three weeks, the pathway on the south side of the Bow River connecting Valley Ridge and Bowness Park will be fully closed for tree and brush clearing. This work is required to accommodate the new Bow River Bridge. There will be no pathway detour available during this time, nor will there be access to the Bow River pedestrian bridge to or from the west.
Please check for additional details on the pathway closure and upcoming changes.

Controlled Blasting
Controlled blasting has been occurring in the Paskapoo Slopes area since early November 2019. Controlled blasting is engineered and controlled for safe execution and Alberta Transportation’s contractors follow accepted industry standards to ensure safety and concerns are addressed.
Blasting resumed on Wednesday, January 22, 2020. Alberta Transportation continues to work with our contractors during construction and will follow up with residents as progress continues. Seismograph reports from all the blasts in November and December 2019 are available on A calendar with the blasting schedule and more information about the vibrations associated with controlled blasting is also available on
Another public information session will be held on February 12, 2020. Please check > North Project > Controlled Blasting for details.
Work South of Valley Ridge
The area immediately south of Valley Ridge saw significant construction in 2019. This area will continue to see considerable activity in 2020 as well.
The stormwater and watermain installations are complete in the sections behind Valley Meadow Close NW and Valley Brook Circle NW; these installations will continue east and west of this area in the spring.
Excavation and earthworks behind Valley Meadow Close NW and Valley Brook Circle NW will also continue this spring and summer as bridge and road construction progress. The piling for the basketweave bridge just south of Valley Brook Circle NW was completed last fall and the bridge structure is about 10 per cent complete.
The project plans and detailed information about the work happening south of Valley Ridge are available at > North Project.

Tree & Brush Removal
Before construction on the south segment starts, some trees and brush will be cleared from the Transportation / Utility Corridor beginning in early February. This work will continue until April 31, 2020 between Old Banff Coach Road SW and Lower Springbank Road.
The trees are being removed now to avoid the nesting season for migratory birds and other nesting species.
We’re hosting a public information session on Wednesday, January 29 from 5 — 7 pm at the Elbow Springs Golf Club. Everyone is welcome to drop in and learn about why the trees need to be removed and our plans for restoration when the project is complete.