Project Update

October 13, 2023
What’s Happening in Traffic
Traffic delays on Stoney Trail and Trans-Canada Highway
Rehabilitation on the east (northbound) Bow River bridge continues. The work includes replacing both expansion joints, deck repairs, waterproofing, drainage improvements, lighting upgrades, barrier replacement and paving.
While the east bridge is closed, two lanes in both directions are provided on the new (west) bridge. Stoney Trail is reduced to a single lane in each direction at the Trans-Canada Highway to accommodate this work. There are significant delays on the Trans-Canada Highway and Stoney Trail, particularly during peak travel periods.
Please consider using alternate routes, if possible.

All work is weather dependent. Please check 511 Alberta and The City of Calgary’s traffic information map and pathways & bikeways map for information about detours and closures. For all other project information, please visit
We appreciate your patience during construction.

Pathway Repairs and Construction Progress
Work to repair the pathway near the top of the slope (shown in green) is nearing completion and construction on the new pathway switchback (shown in orange) is underway. The pathway switchback will provide access down the slope at an appropriate grade. For those wanting a more direct route, the permanent staircase installed at the beginning of the project will remain.
The pathway remains closed during construction.

Tangible Capital Assets
Tangible capital assets – things like roads, buildings, computers, aircrafts, equipment and so much more – are a significant economic resource managed by governments. Governments must track these assets for financial reporting and life-cycle maintenance.

“Discreet” infrastructure, like bridges, streetlights and sign structures, is given an inventory number which is identified on a plaque. The condition of physical infrastructure is periodically evaluated and recorded, allowing governments to financially plan for maintaining and replacing assets.

On the South project, there are 450 streetlights, 23 major sign structures and nine bridge structures, not to mention drainage infrastructure, guard rail, traffic signals or any of the linear assets like underground utilities and roads. And that’s just a few kilometres out of more than 64,000 lane kilometres of roads in the province. Alberta’s extensive highway network requires a significant investment to maintain, requiring careful consideration about how to spend available funding.
Styrofoam Slope Protection
Extruded polystyrene (Styrofoam is a brand name) is sometimes used as a lightweight substitution for soil fill in areas where the subgrade is weak and cannot support anticipated loads using standard fill materials, or in areas where insulation is needed. Under the 17 Avenue S.W. bridge, Styrofoam is being used for slope protection instead of standard fill to insulate and prevent ground water from freezing and damaging the slope.