Project Update

July 14, 2023
What’s Happening in Traffic
Bow River Pathway Closure
Heavy rain last week and earlier this spring has eroded the slope and parts of the pathway under the Stoney Trail bridges, making the area unsafe. Work to rebuild the pathway is underway.
While repairs are ongoing, pedestrian travel through this area is prohibited as there are no safe alternative pathways available for public use. Public patience and respect for the closure is appreciated. We understand the regional pathway is an important transportation route and recreational facility. The repairs will be completed as quickly as possible.

When the pathway re-opens, the section of pathway that was closed for construction in 2020 (shown in yellow above) will also re-open.

All work is weather dependent. Please check 511 Alberta and The City of Calgary’s traffic information map and pathways & bikeways map for information about detours and closures. For all other project information, please visit
We appreciate your patience during construction.

Bow Trail S.W. Interchange Progress
Much of the Bow Trail S.W. interchange has been paved and overhead sign structures are being installed.

Roadworks Continue on Stoney Trail
The material underneath a road or bridge structure is called subgrade. Pit run is a naturally occurring gravel and soil that is sometimes added to replace or fill unsuitable material, and then hard packed to form a dense subgrade.

Highway 8 Interchange Progress
Work continues on all elements of the Highway 8 interchange.

Bridge deck

Slope protection

Overhead sign installations