South Project – A Look Back at 2022

January 10, 2023

A Look Back at the South Project in 2022

What a year! Many project milestones were reached this year. Motorists were able to start using the West Calgary Ring Road as some portions of the project opened to traffic.

Old Banff Coach Road and 17 Avenue S.W.

The new interchanges at Old Banff Coach Road and at 17 Avenue S.W. partially opened to traffic. The Old Banff Coach Road detour and old 17 Avenue S.W. alignment were both removed.

Looking north at the new Old Banff Coach Road S.W. interchange, where significant progress was made this year.
Looking south at the graded ramps for the new Old Banff Coach Road S.W. interchange; the Bow Trail S.W. interchange is visible in the background
Looking north at traffic on the new 17 Avenue S.W. interchange and equipment removing the old road alignment to the south
Looking east at 17 Avenue S.W. and the permanent Slopeview Drive S.W. access off the roundabout open to traffic

Bow Trail S.W.

The pathway underpass and retaining walls have been installed at Bow Trail S.W., which has prepared the area for future connectivity to the City’s multi-use pathway system.

Looking east at the north-south Bow Trail S.W. pathway underpass

The road drainage and subgrade have been completed for the future Bow Trail S.W. interchange.

Girders were installed, and the bridge deck was poured for the overpass at the future Bow Trail S.W. interchange.

Highway 8

The installation of deep underground utilities for the area adjacent to Highway 8 has been completed, and girders were installed on three of the four bridge structures.

Bridge decks were poured for the future overpasses adjacent to Highway 8.

Eastbound traffic was shifted to a new alignment while the interchange is constructed. When the interchange is opened to traffic, this alignment will serve as a ramp connecting eastbound Highway 8 to southbound Stoney Trail.

Looking east at Highway 8
Looking east at Highway 8
Looking east at Highway 8
Traffic shifted to new eastbound lanes in October 2022

By the Numbers

Hours worked

  • 550,000 person hours were worked in 2022 which was +83% from the 300,000 person hours worked in 2021
  • 550,000 hours is the equivalent of 68,750 eight-hour workdays


Approximately 3.3km (3,300 linear metres) worth of piles were driven in 2022, compared to 1.8km (1,800 linear metres) in 2021.


925,000kg of reinforcing steel (rebar) was installed in 2022, compared to the 515,000kg that was installed in 2021.

Granular Base Course (GBC)

340,000 metric tones (340,000,000kg) of GBC was placed in 2022.

Asphalt Concrete Pavement (ACP)

70,000 metric tones (70,000,000kg) of ACP was placed in 2022.

Looking west at Highway 8
Looking west at 17 Avenue S.W.
Looking south at Bow Trail S.W.

Drainage pipe

Approximately 4km (4,000 linear metres) of drainage pipe was installed in 2022.

Concrete poured

7,700 cubic metres of concrete poured in 2022, which is 92% more than the 4,000 cubic metres poured in 2021.