Project Update

September 16, 2022
What’s Happening in Traffic This Week
Construction in the Fall
Autumn weather still allows for many construction activities to continue, but weather changes have a greater and longer lasting impact. As we work to maximize waning daylight and temperatures, please expect some overnight work and changing schedules. While we will continue to provide timing of traffic impacts, work is contingent on weather and may change accordingly.
Intermittent Overnight Lane Closures on Trans-Canada Highway
Until the end of September, there will be intermittent lanes closures in both directions on the Trans-Canada Highway each night between 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. Please expect delays.
Paving on 17 Avenue S.W.
Paving on 17 Avenue S.W. will require lane closures and single lane alternating traffic as preparations to shift traffic to the new bridge continue. Please expect minor delays.

All work is weather dependant. Please check 511 Alberta and The City of Calgary’s traffic information map for up-to-date information on traffic detours and speed reductions. For all other project information, please visit
We appreciate your patience during construction.

More New Infrastructure Open
This week, the permanent ramp from Valley Ridge Boulevard N.W. / 109 Street S.W. to westbound Trans-Canada Highway opened.

This weekend, the North project achieves another significant milestone with the new, permanent eastbound Trans-Canada Highway lanes opening between Old Banff Coach Road and Valley Ridge Boulevard.

Overhead Sign Installations
All this new infrastructure requires new signage. There are 26 overhead sign structures being installed at various locations across the site. Half of them are cantilevered – a structural beam that is only anchored or supported on one end – over the roadway, while the other half are anchored on both sides and bridge the road.

A cantilevered sign structure is installed over southbound Valley Ridge Boulevard N.W.

17 Avenue S.W. Road Construction
Road construction continues on the new 17 Avenue S.W. alignment to connect the new interchange. Traffic is expected to be shifted onto the bridge near the end of the month.

On the west side of the interchange, where the new road has been open since last year, work on the multi-use pathway is anticipated to be complete this fall.

Finishing Work at Old Banff Coach Road S.W.
While shifting traffic onto the new Old Banff Coach Road bridge is an important milestone, there is still work to be completed. Traffic will remain a single lane in each direction while finishing work on the bridge continues.

Highway 8 Road Construction
With utility installations and relocations largely complete on the south side of Highway 8, construction on the new eastbound carriageway has started.

Change to Emergency Access
Emergency services will be using a new emergency access in the Highway 8 area to accommodate construction. Emergency response agencies from both Rocky View County and the City of Calgary have been consulted and continue to work closely with the contractor.