Project Update

What’s Happening in Traffic This Week

REMINDER: New Yield Condition at Slopeview Drive / Lower Springbank Road S.W.

The south access to Slopeview Drive S.W. is reduced to a single lane for sanitary line upgrades for approximately one month. Northbound traffic entering the Slopes will yield to southbound traffic exiting Slopeview Drive S.W.

UPCOMING: Traffic Shift onto Old Banff Coach Road S.W. Bridge

In the coming weeks, Old Banff Coach Road S.W. traffic will be shifted to the new bridge on the final road alignment. For several days, drivers should expect lane closures and intermittent traffic stoppages while the new infrastructure is tied in with the existing infrastructure.

Please watch for signage and expect delays while the tie ins are being paved.

All work is weather dependant. Please check 511 Alberta and The City of Calgary’s traffic information map for up-to-date information on traffic detours and speed reductions. For all other project information, please visit

We appreciate your patience during construction.

REMINDER: Pathway Closed Until Further Notice

The regional pathway on the south side of the Bow River was impacted during the heavy rainfall in mid-June. The rain created some erosion that impacted the supporting structures. As a result, the pathway is closed to protect public safety. The contractor is currently reviewing the extent of the damage and exploring ways to restore access as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, there is no way to provide a detour given the steep slope in the area. The closest Park and Bike sites are in Montgomery.

Next Up: Shifting Traffic to Trans-Canada Highway Bridge Over Valley Ridge Boulevard

The next big milestone on the North project will be shifting traffic to the mainline Trans-Canada Highway bridge over Valley Ridge Boulevard.

Stoney Trail to Eastbound Trans-Canada Highway

The area east of Stoney Trail has undergone a major transformation in the process of adding all movements to the interchange. The ramp from Stoney Trail to eastbound Trans-Canada Highway, that uses the basketweave bridge to go over the exit from eastbound Trans-Canada Highway to Bowfort Road, is now in a recognizable state.

Earthwork for Lower Junction Pond

Earthwork for the stormwater pond known as Lower Junction Pond is ongoing. Lower Junction Pond will manage and treat drainage from the Highway 8 and Stoney Trail interchange. The design currently includes an outlet ditch fortified with riprap (large rock) that will route drainage towards Cullen Creek. This facility will release drainage at a controlled and measured rate, providing the area with added protection during severe weather events.

Bow Trail Pathway Underpass

The Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) walls flanking the pathway structure under Bow Trail are nearly complete. Watch in the coming months as the road structure is constructed on top of the underpass.