Project Update
What’s Happening in Traffic This Week
REMINDER: New Yield Condition at Slopeview Drive / Lower Springbank Road S.W.
The south access to Slopeview Drive S.W. is reduced to a single lane for sanitary line upgrades for approximately one month. Northbound traffic entering the Slopes will yield to southbound traffic exiting Slopeview Drive S.W.

UPCOMING: Single Lane Alternating Traffic on Old Banff Coach Road S.W.
In the coming weeks, Old Banff Coach Road S.W. will be reduced to a single lane of alternating traffic to pave the connections between the new bridge and existing road. The tie-ins are anticipated to take about 72 hours and will require several stages. Once the connections are complete, traffic will be shifted to the new bridge.
Please watch for signage and expect delays while the tie ins are being paved.

All work is weather dependant. Please check 511 Alberta and The City of Calgary’s traffic information map for up-to-date information on traffic detours and speed reductions. For all other project information, please visit
We appreciate your patience during construction.

Trans-Canada Highway / Stoney Trail Interchange

Springbank Ravine Earthworks – Fall 2021 to Spring 2022
More than one million cubic metres of fill has been used to bring the ravine up to grade east and west of the Bow Trail interchange.