Project Update – March 14, 2022
What’s Happening in Traffic This Week
Westbound Trans-Canada Highway Lane Closure
On Wednesday, March 16, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., the right lane on westbound Trans-Canada Highway will be closed just west of Valley Ridge to accommodate work on the north side of the road.
UPCOMING: Single Lane of Alternating Traffic on 17 Avenue S.W.
Early next week (currently planned for March 21 and March 22) 17 Avenue S.W. will be reduced to a single lane of alternating traffic between 101 Street S.W. and Slopeview Drive S.W. from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day for utility work. Flag people will direct traffic.
Utility work in this area is ongoing and intermittent delays can be expected in the coming weeks.
All work is weather dependant. Please check 511 Alberta and The City of Calgary’s traffic information map for up-to-date information on traffic detours and speed reductions.
We appreciate your patience during construction.

South Pier Box Girder Segment
While work continues across the bridge construction site, the visual ‘action’ is happening on the southernmost pier, which is the last to have a box girder segment formed. Once this girder segment is complete, the form traveler can be attached and cast-in-place segment construction will begin from this pier.
March 2, 2022: Girder segment walls are complete and falsework (temporary supports) is in place for the top slab March 7, 2022: Wooden formwork for the top slab is laid on top of the temporary supports and then reinforcing steel is placed on the formwork March 14, 2022: Safety railings are installed around the top slab in preparation for the concrete pour
In the background, on the in-river pier on the south side of the river, girder segments are being cast-in-place in both directions (north and south).

Approach Slab Construction
With the old Trans-Canada Highway bridges over Valley Ridge Boulevard N.W. demolished, work on the bridge approach slab is underway. Approach slabs cover the backfilled area behind the bridge abutments and provide the transition from the road pavement to the bridge deck.
Overhead Sign Structures
Sign structure construction along the Trans-Canada Highway is ongoing.

Night Work for 17 Avenue S.W. Bridge Deck Pour
This week the second bridge deck for the South project will be poured at 17 Avenue S.W. The deck pour operations are expected to take approximately four days and will include:
- Increased use of the construction crossings on 17 Avenue S.W. and 101 Street S.W.
- Some increased noise from concrete trucks and pumps
- Evening and night work to protect and maintain the newly placed concrete
Earthwork South of Highway 8
Excavation and grading between Highway 8 and Discovery Ridge is ongoing.