Project Update – December 27, 2021

A Look Back at 2021: the South Project

2021 was a milestone year for the West Calgary Ring Road. With all three projects in construction, much was achieved. This week we take a closer look at the progress on the South Project, and next week the Bow River Bridge and North Projects will be featured.

Please visit > Photos + Videos for two new videosSouth Project Year in Review and September 2021 drone video.

Here are some highlights by the numbers:

  • 4,000,000 m3 of earth moved
  • 515,000 kg of reinforcing steel (rebar) installed
  • 4,000 m3 of concrete placed
  • 80% of utility protections and relocations completed

  • 3,500 linear metres (3.5 km) of girders fabricated
  • 1,800 linear metres (1.8 km) of piles driven
  • 1,345 linear metres (1.3 km) of storm pipe installed
  • 1,291 linear metres (1.3 km) of culverts installed
  • 300,000 people-hours worked (with no lost time due to incidents)
  • 1,300 project site orientations completed 
  • 11,728 cups of coffee made